
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Time management

I must admit that working from home has its own set of challenges. I have a 10 month old( tomorrow) who is quite active. I would do great if I woke up early in the mornings, but I don't. He is basically my alarm clock, waking me up with his cries in the morning. Only occasionally do I awake before he does.

Naptime is the 1 1/2- 2 hour crunch that I try to cram most of my writing time in. And, then of course, there is late at night, which is another time that I do most of my writing. I'm doing what I have to do, but it would be so nice to just go at a leisurely pace during the day. When he's sleeping, I make a mad dash to the computer to complete writing assignments. Somedays it's great, other days, I dread looking at the computer.

But, I'm going to keep plugging away at it, and pray that I become more efficient with my time. Someone told me that the best work at home jobs for a mom are certain online businesses. With that you simply answer emails and supply the requested items. She didn't go into specifics on how profitable her business was though. But, it's a nice idea.

All you work at home moms out there, I encourage you to keep going. For those who stay at home without trying to earn an income from home, please remember just how blessed you are.

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